Pink and White Stamped Floral Tips
These pink and white stamped floral tips mean just one thing … yet more pink on the blog! I need to start getting into some autumnal and winter colours to neutralise the pinkness of my recent posts!
I was already wearing Nella Milano Cheery Bon Bon and it was wearing well, so I decided to add some stamping to extend the manicure for a few more days.
I used a new (to me) plate manufacturer: hēhē. From what I can gather, hēhē is a Chinese stamping plate company, run by Haiyan. There seem to be 72 plates currently. They’re the round stainless steel ones, the same size as the Bundle Monster, Cheeky, Konad and Born Pretty Store ones. The one I have – and I presume all the others – are not backed though, so you need to handle them carefully to avoid getting cut. [See important note at he end of the post]. In fairness, mine doesn’t seem as sharp as some that I own.

I used Konad White and hēhē 019 for this look. I stamped the middle nails in full and added French tips to the others.
I used my Messy Mansion guide to do the French tips and was incredibly impressed with it. I’ve never used any of my French tip stamping images as I just didn’t think I would ever get them to align nicely. This little tool though is fantastic as it gives you a straight edge and a curved edge. So I just lined the end of my nail up along the straight edge, as centred as possible, and pressed down into the stamp. So easy.

You can buy hēhē stamping plates from Lady Queen. They take around 3-5 weeks to arrive and delivery is free – a bit like Born Pretty Store.
They supply a range of nail art items and I also have a 15% discount to share if you’d like to use it: KBLC15.
[EDIT – IMPORTANT – From information on the hēhē website, I am saddened to discover that it appears that these stamping plates sold by Lady Queen are fakes. As such, I would not recommend you purchase these plates from Lady Queen. If you would like to buy hēhē plates, please buy them directly from hēhē or find an official supplier. Claire Kerr, 7th December 2015].
- Colour: three coats of Nella Milano Cheery Bon Bon
- Stamping polish: Konad White
- Stamping plate: hēhē 019
- Top coat: Glisten & Glow HK Girl
All manicure images are copyright to Kerruticles unless otherwise mentioned.
Nella Milano Cheery Bon Bon and hēhē 019 were sent to me for review. All views expressed in this post are my own, honest and unbiased opinions.
Very pretty and elegant.
You have beautiful taste. One of the FB groups recently had a group buy for hehe plates which I didn’t participate in because I didn’t know anything about the brand’s quality. This mani is at least one good example though, from a source I trust. Is this your first hehe stamping plate experience? Also are you referring to this ( product when you wrote, “I used my Messy Mansion guide to do the French tips and was incredibly impressed with it. I’ve never used any of my French tip stamping images as I just didn’t think I would ever get them to align nicely. This little tool though is fantastic as it gives you a straight edge and a curved edge. So I just lined the end of my nail up along the straight edge, as centred as possible, and pressed down into the stamp?” I wonder if it’s possible for you to do a short pictorial tutorial demonstrating the technique with the tool because I just couldn’t visualize what you meant (and I like to think I’m af pretty good visualizer). Thanks for showing this pretty mani.
Hi Delphi. Yes, this is my first hēhē plate. The plate itself is great and I like all the images on this particular one. It isn’t backed though. But I have seen other images where the plate is backed. It wasn’t sharp though, so it was no problem for me. They’re not that expensive from Lady Queen – most are $2.39. I don’t know if the discount works on reduced items or not, but if it does, there’s an extra 15% off that with the code.
And yes, that’s the accessories kit from Messy Mansion. I’ll see if I can get around to doing a tutorial this weekend, but time is my enemy most of the time, so no promises!