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Alphabet blogging: the A to Z of me

I’ve seen this “alphabet blogging” post on quite a few blogs recently, so I thought I’d join in.


A: Attached or single?
Attached. Very happily married to Paul.

B: Best friend?
I don’t really have one 🙁 Well, not in the sense that I have a best friend who also thinks of me as their best friend. Having said that, I have known my friend Steve for 37 years and we have a great relationship whereby we can go months without even being in touch, but then when we see each other or speak to one another, we can pick up exactly where we left off.

C: Cake or pie?
Pie – presuming it’s not a fruit pie we’re talking about. I’m very much a lover of savoury food.

D: Day of choice?
Saturday. The first chance to have a lie in – if my 9 year old lets me.

E: Essential item?
A computer – so that I can get onto the web somehow. I feel bereft if I’m not connected!

F: Favourite colour?
Blue. Especially turquoise (which some would say is green – but it’s NOT!)

G: Gummy bears or worms?
Mmmm, either thank you very much. Although I love savoury food, I can always manage to overindulge when it comes to sweets.

H: Home town?
Croydon, South London/Surrey.

I: Indulgence?
I have three big indulgences. In no particular order, they are: food, alcohol and nail polish.

J: January or July?
July by a fraction. But only because I don’t like the snow.

K: Kids?
One son, who is 9.

L: Life isn’t complete without?
My husband and son. They *are* my life.

My husband and son, on holiday in France a couple of years ago
My husband and son, on holiday in France a couple of years ago

M: Marriage date?
7th June 1997 – 16 years so far.

N: Number of brothers/sisters?
An older sister and a younger brother.

O: Oranges or apples?
Yeuch! I hate fruit. If pushed, I think I’d choose an orange.

P: Phobias?
Lots … heights, knives, foam (the sponge kind). And I’m not all that keen on spiders and moths, or any creepy crawlies really.

Q: Quotes?
“No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt (supposedly)
“Indecision may or may not be my problem.” – Jimmy Buffett (song lyrics)

R: Reasons to smile?
Life itself. It may have its ups and downs, but no-one gets a completely smooth passage, so if you can smile while you’re going through it, all the better.

S: Season of choice?
I don’t like extreme heat or cold, so that rules out winter and summer. I’m not sure how to pick between autumn and spring though. Perhaps Autumn at a push – start of a new school year, my son’s birthday coming up soonish, memories of a good summer holiday, looking forward to Christmas, the weather’s still nice and warm (sometimes in the UK!).

T: Tag 5 people
I don’t want to make anyone feel obliged to do this, so I’ll just leave it up to you to do it too if you want to.

U: Unknown fact about me
I love being on stage, presenting to people and talking on TV. I’ve been interviewed on live TV news (my fifteen minutes of fame!) and have also been interviewed for about half an hour for an educational programme that ran on repeat for years. Plus, I’ve been in numerous corporate videos and on stage presenting to hundreds of people. One of the businesses I run is about teaching people to do their own marketing, and so four or five times a year I’m a trainer for the day too.

V: Vegetable?
I love vegetables. Asparagus, spinach and courgettes are probably my favourites, but I love them all.

W: Worst habit?
Getting distracted by something on the internet and then following a trail that leads me through all sorts of different topics and media until I realise I have spent an hour browsing, when initially I was probably just looking up a simple fact.

X: X-ray or ultrasound?
Was it really that hard to find an interesting question for X? I have had both in the last couple of weeks, to try to determine what the lump is on the top of my foot, which is preventing me walking very far without pain. (Turns out it’s a ganglion cyst – lovely – and probably needs aspirating or removing – great!)

Y: Your favourite food?
On balance, much as I love all food, I think it’s Thai food that’s my favourite. In particular, I’d choose a nice hot red vegetable curry.

Z: Zodiac sign?


So … did you learn anything new about me? Why don’t you take the alphabet blogging questionnaire too.

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ABC image by mwookie on
All other images in this post are copyright to Kerruticles.



Always nice to get to know more about the person behind the blog 🙂