Barry M Confetti Nail Effects Marshmallow
I didn’t think I’d like the “hairy” polishes, you know, the ones with bar glitter. The new trend for these polishes packed with matte bar glitter was passing me by because I just didn’t think I liked them. So I ignored the launch of feather effect polishes from Nails Inc., and then ignored the launch of the cheaper dupes from Invogue.
But I think I’m a bit of a convert. I thought they would feel rough, or stick out from the edge of the nail. But with a good amount of top coat and some careful application, there’s no problem at all.
This is Barry M Marshmallow, from the newly-launched Confetti Nail Effects range. It’s packed with pale pink and white bar glitter and can be used on its own, as long as you do 2 or 3 coats, or as a topper. Here I’ve layered a thickish coat over Barry M Passion Fruit. It’s quite hard to pick out the different colours over the top of something as bright as this, but I’ve seen others layer it over medium blue, black and grey and then the pink and white are more obviously differentiated.

Having looked at other people’s swatches, my one thick coat looks similar to their two or three coats, so I must have really layered it on quite thickly indeed. I certainly didn’t wipe it on sparsely; I more used a dabbing motion to place it.
There are five polishes in the range, all named after sweets:
- Bubblegum – blue and white
- Sour Apple – aqua and yellow (but looks green in the bottle)
- Dolly Mixture – yellow, blue and peach
- Marshmallow – pink and white
- Liquorice – black and white

They are all available within the coming few weeks in Boots and Superdrug, or you can buy them online right now on the Barry M website.
- Base colour: two coats of Barry M Passion Fruit
- Intermediate top coat: Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Anti-Chip
- Glitter: one (thick) coat of Barry M Confetti Nail Effects Marshmallow
- Final top coat: No.7 Stay Perfect
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Nails images on this page are copyright to Kerruticles. The Barry M polish range image was provided by Barry M.
Products shown in this post were sent to me for review. All views expressed in this post are my own, honest and unbiased opinions.