Red with Diamond Glequins: M is for: Multi-coloured
We’re half way through the A2Z series challenge, so that means it’s M this week. And M is for multi-coloured.
I’ve used some diamond shaped glequins that I bought from Born Pretty Store. I forgot I had these. They look very striking on the nail though, so I’ll be using them again! There are all sorts of ways these can be used.
I’ve paired them with red, Barry M Retro Red, which is a one-coater metallic red. The Retro polishes all have other names – apart from their colours, which is how they are labelled on the bottles. They are taken from 1980s music tracks and Retro Red’s alter ego is Lady In Red. I only have four of the collection. I’m missing the purple (Tainted Love) and would love to get hold of it to complete my collection.

If you fancy buying some glequins like these, then you can use this code for 10% off: ZLS91. I don’t get any reward for you using this code, but after it’s been used a certain number of times, Born Pretty Store will sponsor a giveaway on my blog, and that would be rather nice – for you and me!
- Colour: 1 coat of Barry M Retro Red (Lady In Red)
- Glequins: Born Pretty Store multi-coloured diamond-shaped glequins
- Top coat: Sally Hansen Insta-Dri (2 coats on the glequins nails)
All manicure images are copyright to Kerruticles unless otherwise mentioned.
Here are the manicures from the other A2Zers:
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This look fab! Xx
I love this mani! It reminds me of a preppy sweater, but in the best way!
Whoah, these are so pretty!
great patience on this one!
ooh this looks so cool !