Kitchen Sink Saturday … er make that Monday: blue
I didn’t manage to get around to doing a kitchen sink manicure last Saturday. So here’s it is now … a couple of days late.
I was already wearing Chanel Blue Boy, and had added the leopard spots accent nail. But as I wasn’t entirely happy with the leopard nail, I went over the inside of the spots with a lighter blue (Revlon Dreamer) and then also had to re-do the outlines too. The lighter colour makes it stand out a little more, but it still could be executed better.

For the other nails, I dotted on some flowers, did a half moon, added some glitter and did a saran wrap / cling film manicure.
The glitter is Claire’s Teal Holographic. I haven’t used this before, and it’s a shame it’s snowy and dull today, because in sunlight (or even with overhead lights) this sparkles a full rainbow of colours. I can’t wait to wear this more when Britain starts to get some sun again.
The half moon and the cling film manicure are lovely, but my favourite is the dotted flowers. At some stage I must do these on all my nails. They aren’t perfect, but it’s only my second time trying them, so hopefully they will improve with practice.
Details of the polishes used for each nail are below.
- Base: two coats of Chanel Blue Boy
- Thumb: dotted flowers using China Glaze White On White and Beauty UK Bon Bon
- Index: half moon using Barry M Foil Effects Silver
- Middle: glitter nail using Claire’s Teal Holographic
- Ring: taped silver diagonal using Barry M Foil Effects Silver; stamped leopards using Calvin Klein Ebony Hates Chris-Black and Cheeky plate CH1; filled in with Revlon Dreamer and outlined with the same black
- Little: saran wrap / cling film manicure using Revlon Dreamer
- Top coat: Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Anti-Chip
The flowers are my favourite too – so cute:)