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BNB giveaway logos

These are the logos for use with the British Nail Bloggers Giveaway.

There are three sizes, but if you would like a different size, let me know via the Facebook group and I’ll do you one straight away.

They may not be showing to scale on your screen, unless you have a very large screen, as my website automatically scales to fit. So if you are unsure about how large they are, click them to open them first. This (should) open them full size.

To save the images, open them, then right click the image and select “save as” or “save image as”.

400 x 240 px:

400x240 PNG

600 x 360 px:

600x360 PNG

1000 x 600 px:

1000x600 PNG

300 px square:

BNB giveaway 300px square

150 px square:

BNB giveaway 150px square